Reports of the flames reaching upward of 1700 degrees and fluctuating 8 to 12 feet near a billboard for 45 minutes.
The owner of the property had just recently mowed and there was no hole there prior.
Social Media experts jumped in with analysis immediately, with comments like "I've seen this before its coal burning underground....." Yeah, no there is now coal here. UFO laser beams was another, Methane Gas Pockets, The Gates of Hell opening.... mini Volcano beginning, and there were reports of a meteor seen over head prior to this incident.
Actual geologists an other scientists are baffled currently stating, there are no fossil fuels in the area to explain.
The gentleman renting the place moved in on the 15th and has been overwhelmed with response to
this Mystery of Midway.
Now not to burst anyone's bubbles but less than a 100 yards from this site is an old Gas Station with old tanks still in the ground. The old stations used steel tanks that eventually rust and leech into the soil. I say this because the next town over in Mountain Home had an old station's tanks leach into the ground and the fumes found their way into the Baxter County Jail making inmates sick.
So my hypothesis is its leaked fuel and or fumes in the soil creating a pocket.
But the question still remains......... what ignited it?
I am local to this Mystery and will be conducting some inquiries and samples of the area to see if we can indeed get to the bottom of it.
Article is by Jason Mansfield: Anomalous Environmental Studies Analyst™ found at, Voice Over Artist, Film Maker/ Prop Designer/ Creative Consultant/ Concept Artist at Binary Entertainment, Folklorist, Horror Enthusiast, Writer, Squatchologist™, Legend Hunter & Oddity Tripper™ #BlogOfOdd #WhatTheFringe #OddityTrippers