Saturday, February 8, 2014

Are Museum Artifacts Proof Aliens have been here in our Past?

Unrealistic artifacts on display in Iraq national museum: do aliens exist?
The National Museum Of Iraq in Baghdad has collections that rival the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum of Art with its art and artifacts from ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Acadian, Assyrian and Chaldean civilizations.

But, there are some weird, and unexplained art objects that are could prove the existence of extraterrestrial life or even aliens, as some researchers are suggesting.

Although the Baghdad museum was looted in 2003 during Operation Iraqi Freedom, it does possess some old, ancient art objects, among which are jars with some really weird, and unexplainable figures on them. One of the jars is marked "4000 - 6,000 BC". Although artwork back then was not that realistic in appearance , the depicted creatures do not look human at all with large bulging eyes, weird elongated bodies and wiggly arms.

Could these figures depict aliens who visited the Earth few thousand years ago?

I suppose it is possible, these strange objects of art could suggest the existence of aliens or at least some strange inhumane creatures that inhabited our planet at that time.

If presented to, and I have not check to see if Ancient Aliens the TV Show have even reviewed these items, its a fair bet to assume they would announce with most certainty that it does indeed mean aliens have been here in our past.  I is all about the ratings right?

Post is by Jason Mansfield: Paranormal Investigator with Paranormal Studies of Arkansas found at, Voice Over Artist for several Paranormal Radio Shows, Film maker at Binary Entertainment, Folklorist, Writer, & Legend Hunter

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