Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Bigfoot Hunter Shot in Back

Atoosa, Oklahoma, Some Bigfoot hunters went out trekking for a serious night of Sasquatch searching. One ended up in the hospital and the others in jail instead of the record books.

As they searched for the elusive creature, one man thought he heard barking and shot his friend in the back with a 9mm. In a wild turn of events, the other friends ditched the gun in a local lake and attempted to cover up the crime scene.

Yeah..........that was no accident.

James Perry, Omar Pineda, and his wife, Lacey Pineda, have plenty of time to ponder Bigfoot’s whereabouts from their jail cells.

Police did interview all involved and it was determined that there have been no Sasquatch, Bigfoot or Yeti sightings. YET. 

So get out there folks.

Make sure you have the proper licensing before hunting this big guy!
Article is by Jason Mansfield: Anomalous Environmental Studies Analyst™ found at www.hauntedarkansas.net, Voice Over Artist, Film Maker/ Prop Designer/ Creative Consultant/ Concept Artist at Binary Entertainment www.binaryentertainment.com, Folklorist, Horror Enthusiast, Writer, Squatchologist™, Legend Hunter & Oddity Tripper™ #BlogOfOdd #WhatTheFringe #OddityTrippers